
Audacious [Clan Battles Review](0.9.3): Reliability is an Issue

Audacious [Clan Battles Review](0.9.3): Reliability is an Issue Sadly for the Audacious, while she is a fun carrier to take into random battles, she has several critical weaknesses which keep her from reaching the heights of her fellow T10 carriers when it comes to the competitive setting of Clan Battles.

Firstly, in spite of their tanky hit point pools, her planes are slow, which causes extended sortie times which makes stacking DoT affects a liability. Secondly, both her rockets and level bombers lack penetration power, which greatly decreases their overall effectiveness against the heavily armoured ships that are frequently present within Clan Battle Lineups. And last but certainly not least, her level bombers are extremely unreliable, which leads to decreased ability to properly finish off targets and perform the damage dealing portion of an aircraft carrier's duties.

Taken altogether, this means that though an Audacious can still fulfill spotting duties, and can be very potent against lightly armoured targets, she is too far specialized in the "anti-light" armour role. The Midway as a generalist can hit as hard, if not harder against those same light armour targets, without sacrificing her ability to hurt heavy targets. And the Hakuryu, specialized in the anti "heavy-armour" role is able to be effective against a more important part of the competitive meta, while still retaining a good amount of effectiveness against light targets with her rockets and torpedoes. As such, she slots quite comfortably into third place by a wide margin.

The reality is that if you want to be competitive, you had better at least bring a Midway, and if available, a Hakuryu. The tools of the Audacious are simply put, unsuited for the task presented to her for Clan Battles.

Audacious,Audacious Clan Battles,Audacious Ranked,Audacious Guide,Audacious Review,Audacious Gameplay,Clan Battles,Clan Wars,World of Warships,

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