
Capt-Reynolds and Toecutter_ speak! They don't seem to do research - #fallout76 Public Voice Chat

Capt-Reynolds and Toecutter_  speak! They don't seem to do research - #fallout76 Public Voice Chat Toecutter_ appears - wants me to play with him - again, I don't play the game with you nasty people.

Funny how you guys know so much about the exploits... Toecutter_ ? User of exploits, giver of hacked and duped weapons, I'm told.... any explanation?

There is a very specific hacker group, acting in several discord chat rooms, causing problems in Fallout 76, I am recording everything - this stream will not always be them, it will just record non-stop, since I can't keep these people blocked, and they want to make death threats on my family, after releasing my name, address, and phone number publicly in Fallout 76 public Voice Chat itself, Youtube, Twitter, Twitch, and Discord Chat Rooms.

I've reported this group since last year, with almost no results - they're allowed to break Terms of Service in multiple ways, and I can not keep them blocked - part of the problem is the last year of their lies and digitally altered sound clips have made almost all of you hate me. I could forgive that, and I do forgive that - but it has crossed the lined into death threats on my family, and I had to get my phone number changed - police are aware of the situation, because there is some concern this psychotic group, or one of their misled friends, will 'swat' me. There is a note in the national 911 system to treat all calls as potential swatting attempts - as my name, address, and phone number has been posted publicly on Twitter, Youtube, Twitch, and Various high traffic Fallout 76 Discord Chat rooms. They've also created digital 'evidence' they use to try to convince more of you to harass me and my friends, including use of my recorded and edited voice they have played in various ways over public Fallout 76 Voice Chat. I have source videos, recorded live, archived on Youtube itself - not digitally altered, just stored. They have lies.

I. Need. Help, Bethesda.

For real questions, contact Past-Me via or via email contact form on my web page only - not in game!

Love, always,



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