
Hip Thrust & Glute Bridge Variations

Hip Thrust & Glute Bridge Variations B-Stance Hip Thrust: Vertical shin, Chin tucked, Eyes forward, one foot down and the other with toes up. Focus on the glute of the leg that’s flat to the ground. Set hips in a Posterior Tilt at the top and squeeze glute.

Hip Thrust: Vertical shins, Chin tucked, Eyes forward, Set hips in a Posterior Tilt at the top and squeeze glutes.

Single-Leg Hip Thrust: Vertical shins, Chin tucked, Eyes forward, hips square and level. Focus on the glute of the leg that’s planted to the floor, set hips in posterior tilt at the top and squeeze glute.

Elevated Hip Thrust: Same as a normal hip thrust except both legs are elevated.

Glute Bridge: same as a hip thrust but with back on the floor.

Elevated Glute Bridge: same as elevated hip thrust but with back on the floor.

Single-Leg Elevated Glute Bridge: same as single leg hip thrust except back is on the floor and feet are elevated on box.


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