
HISTORY2020 2016 Lec14BST2 Sources for Awful Stories About Christopher Columbus and Ponce de Leon

HISTORY2020 2016 Lec14BST2 Sources for Awful Stories About Christopher Columbus and Ponce de Leon This is Part B (Sidetrack 2) of the 2016 World History Since 1500 Lecture 14 titled, "Mercantilism and European Conquest."

In this brief side-track off the larger point about the definition of landed wealth during the feudal era, we explain the sources for some of the horrible stories written about Christopher Columbus and Ponce de Leon. These sources written many years for the sake of the Spanish Court after both explorers had died. They were used by political opponents to deliberately smear reputations for the sake of reclaiming the right of governorship over Cuba and Puerto Rico: Ponce de Leon descendants writing libelous claims about Columbus, and Columbus’ heirs writing similar stories about Ponce de Leon. Neither side had any credibility, yet modern Historians love to cite them as a way of discrediting all European explorers (but especially Columbus).

World History,Europe,European Colonization,Mercantilism,Constitutionalism,American Revolution,Property Wealth,Modern Nation States,Feudalism,Plantations,Manorialism,Population,Modern World,Libel,Christopher Columbus,Columbus,Scandal,History,College,University,Lecture,Dr. Zorea,Dr Zorea,Neo-Progressive Professor,Dialecticism,Exploration,Explorers,Non PC,Not PC,Non Politically Correct,Anti-Columbus,Liberal Professors,Traditional,Non-Radical,

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