
How to use old fashioned starch

How to use old fashioned starch And here I document in a fairly haphazard sort of way how I prepare/cook up laundry starch to use on Collars, Ruffs, Partlets and Petticoats, in my kitchen in a relatively safe manner.
I am very aware that one hour seems a ridiculous length for such activities so if you make it all the way through please leave a comment you probably deserve a medal.

Within this video I am a little vague about quantity as it’s a trial and error (and I have had a fair few errors over the years) process.
But if you are going to try this at home the basic quantity is for every 1oz of starch you need 2 oz of water. The final quantity I made in this video was 3 oz of starch and at least 6-8 oz of water maybe more to get the right consistency.
Have fun and make a mess.

The Starch in the video is Kershaw’s Laundry starch.

You can also use Italian rice starch

You can also follow what else I’m getting up to on Instagram


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