
I Have Come To Fulfill The WORDS OF YOUR HEAVENLY FATHER For Words Can Easily Be Refused..

I Have Come To Fulfill The WORDS OF YOUR HEAVENLY FATHER For Words Can Easily Be Refused.. Heavenly inheritance cannot be given to black people unless their nobility has been bestowed unto them. The first verse sung warned that earthly nobles shall be judged as slaves upon the return of Isaac. So, on seeing the star in the east, CONGRATULATIONS, you who have rushed to meet and receive its good tidings. A letter or book is being read to those who are gathered. The WORD is being described as “Good News” to be received as a gift/parcel to be carried to our homes so that we can unwrap and reflect on God’s will for us. The second verse is sung to praise and rejoices in our Heavenly Father. This letter teaches of the Word of God as nutrition to our spirits which will nourishes forever. If we face the east, travel together, this will truly be the fulfillment of our Father’s will.
The letter describes how different Messengers of God prescribed certain prayer alters to gather HIS flock. Again, we are reminded that the Word uses proverbs or aphorisms. Here it uses the example “Nevanji” to reference words first spoken rather than the place. The word continues and teaches about our garments. Unfortunately, many do not know the meaning of those garments and why those who wore them in the first place did so. In fact, as black people we have broken our covenant agreement with God which is why we are suffering. This is so says the Word. So, for this good news to spread we need ‘Heaven’s schooling’. The third verse sung is said to be one of old. It was sung a long time ago. At Masowe we can see that the Word is a sage with wisdom, teaching and reminding us that His Word truly is our nutrition. But how come there are a multitude of prophets, yet the suffering of the nation remains unbearable. Certain truths should be contemplated. Surely, there are reparations for wrongs.
Did you know that Father Johane once prophesied that “they are coming for my apparels…”? Did
you know that there seven prayers that Father Johane made that need fulfilling? Who amongst the multitude of prophets knows how and where these prayers are? So, there is a puzzle or an equation which if as black people you do not solve, we will miss out on our promised inheritance. The letter says, “I’ve come to fulfil the Words of your heavenly Father for words can easily be refused”. The word was refused in the beginning, it is being refused now and will be refused in the future. We see this refusal of the word in our leaders which is why the first verse sung warning that their refusal shall have them judged as slaves when “Isaka” returns.
Those blessed with the gift of the Holy Spirit are being reminded that there are levels which we all should be wary of. The fourth verse reiterates this by speaking about wisdom, beards and age.When people gather in prayer, they should be given words which ensure that they do not envy the world. It is a huge responsibility having the gift. It is NOT paid work. So, when we gather in prayer, we should be given words as gifts/parcels which we must take home to ponder and reflect on. “Your Father in Heaven refuses that after receiving words as a gift while in prayer you continue suffering”. The Word created heaven and earth, so it can create life in you when it is speaking. Thus, a prayer is made for those who are gathered as fulfillment because the Word, in this case, was present amongst the people. The fifth verse reminds us that the Word, “Father Johane” has not finished speaking. Here we are reminded that our Father Johane’s apparel and rod need to be returned so that we do not continue to suffer. The sixth verse reminds us that heaven is overflowing with nobility. The prayer hence proceeds for those who were gathered.

The following verses were sung when prayers for individuals were being made;
Zarura suwoYakope tisangane neropa. This verse references the opening of heaven to meet with
salvation. Baba Eriya Munyaradzi; this verse addresses the how the Holy Spirit will give us peace. Zvamakanzwa nezvamakaona; this verse reminds us that all we deem important is insignificant on the day of our Saviour. Maria we…. This verse is a call to Maria
Penzura nenhaka takaipihwa…; this verse relates to how we have already been given words (letters) and inheritance by the Holy Spirit. Tamboyereswa tiyerese; this verse calls for prayers to be done for us like was done before. Mbiri huru penya panyika: this verse calls for the Glory of the Father Johane to shine on earth. Kunehumambo unoyera; the verse references how Holy the Nobility of heaven is. Tirangarireyiwo Baba wedenga; this verse is a prayer asking our Heavenly Father to remember us.

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