
Inventory Management Tips Locate telecom contracts addendums, marc signed executed agreements

Inventory Management Tips Locate telecom contracts addendums, marc signed executed agreements Telecom Contract Management is an important part of Telecom Inventory Management Here is a Tip - One of the first steps to Telecom Contract Management is locating all the telecom contracts, find all the meetings you've had with service provider sales team, all emails, everything. Put together a folder of all your documents including both paper and email copies. Find all the telecom addendums, locate any documents including the pages with MARC which should be located inside both the signed executed agreements and those unsigned. Let's take a look at all your documents.
Do you see anything with the words SLA? Service Level Agreement?
Do you understand all the terms and conditions inside the SLA?

Have you been meeting your MARC monthly? Annually?
How many years telecom contract agreements can you locate all the old originals as well as all the addendums to the original signed executed telecom contract agreement and all subsequent signed telecom contracts?

Telecom service providers really like to work with companies who don't have wireless contract management, or telecom contract management skills and years of experience. Even having a telecom manager is helpful since they are trying to look after your best interests. If you don't use Auditel services, then consider hiring a qualified telecom attorney.

What is wireless contract management? Auditel looks inside your wireless contracts and pulls out all the terms and conditions, SLAs, MARCs, and performs a full telecom contract review along with your services and invoices.

If your corporation or business doesn't have a legal team on staff, or a telecom attorney, with telecom contract negotiation skills and knowledge of terms and conditions (TnC), minimum annual revenue commitment (MARC), and service level agreeements ( SLAs) you are certainly more vulnerable. With changing telecom technology, old telecom services and phone equipment are becoming obsolete.

Certainly your business would prefer to understand commercial contract. Yet the service providers make the telecom agreements distinct. Inside each telecom contract lies terms and conditions (TnC). The TnC details in small print that hold all those hidden clauses your business would prefer less of along with the empty meanings and contract penalties.

In a perfect world we wouldn’t need telecom contract management. We wouldn't have Service Level Agreements, also known as SLA, or Minimum Annual Revenue Commitment (MARCs). We wouldn't need telecom contract negotiation, or have the need to understand contract termination fees. But in this diverse world of high technology we must have legal ease with terms and conditions to protect our business. Plus, we wouldn't have early contract termination ETF clauses either.

As more lawyers and consultants turn to Auditel for telecom contract management, and contract analysis.It's best not to wait until contracts expire before having Auditel review your telecom agreements. Auditel can give your company the knowledge necessary to review the complex telecom terminology within your contract terms and conditions. We, bring out all the clauses you may not understand and check for termination fees and penalties and for telecom contract non-compliance.

Do you know what is inside your corporate phone, wireless, VOIP bills, and contracts? Every large business and corporation needs telecom expense management - the Service Providers are not responsible for your bill auditing and don't provide telecom expense management.

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