
Let's (Occasionally) Play Powder - Run 1 Part 1

Let's (Occasionally) Play Powder - Run 1 Part 1 Powder is a unique roguelike - as far as I'm aware, it's the only game in that genre that was actually originally programmed for the Gameboy Advanced (as opposed to being a port). Despite the simplicity of the handheld it was designed for, Powder is a full classic roguelike that definitely belongs in the same subfamily as Nethack.

It's not easy by any stretch of the imagination.

But come on and join our heroine Jill and her cursed soul-drinking artifact sword Omafroody as I try desperately to not get her killed. Along the way, I also completely and utterly fail to adequately explain anything about the game. Yay!

You can find the game here: You'll need access to an appropriate emulator if you want the original experience, but you can still play it without one.


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