
Mary The Contrary

Mary The Contrary Scary Readings of Nursery Rhymes for Brave Kids in Scary Times. 

This is number four in the series. 

Ever wondered what made Mary quite so contrary? I did a little digging...

I have long been interested in mediaeval history, and often wonder how bad it would be to go from the present day and live in those dark, terrifying times of plagues and sudden, violent death at the hands of aristocratic landlords and other criminals. 

Then Covid-19 hit and the world went into lockdown and I sat with my 14-month-old son flicking through a book of nursery rhymes and it struck me that we might not be that far off that reality once again. 

They made most of these rhymes up in the Dark Ages and Middle Ages as warnings to kids. 

So, I read one out loud with this weird voice and thought - yeah - this might be worth sharing as we take baby steps into what could be a strangely real dystopian future if we're not careful. 

Enjoy and share and let me know what you think.


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