
MY children are destroyed from lack of knowledge Ezekiel 33:6

MY children are destroyed from lack of knowledge Ezekiel 33:6 "Wake up!! Hes NOT a psychic!!!

Bill Gates seems to be a doctor, a spy, a philanthropist, a weather maker, a psychic, a hero, and became the spokesperson for a virus he should know nothing about if its a new as he says.... he also spent lots of time with known pedophiles. Why wont people wake up? This is NOT Chinese virus. He also donates large amount to the WHO!

Lawsuits in India:

Africa Sterilization Program


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NWO,new world order,5G,60GHz,radiation,why are schools closed,Patriots,terrorist,UN,United Nations,USA terrorist List,goverment office documents,gov,fun vacc,depopulation,beast system,US population,Bison,Kennedy center,Boris Johnson,Stimulus checks,Tom Cobum,weather radar,Joseph Lowery,North Carolina,IRS,Vivarium,Covid-19,Thomas Massie,Pope Francis,Kennedy Center,Tom Cobun,bear,penuin,Steven Universe Future,wolf,duck,war,coronavirus,whats going on in usa,

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