
Protocol in Network? Explain with Practical Examples

Protocol in Network? Explain with Practical Examples Protocol is a specially set of Rules, used in digital communication, to ensure systematically and safe data transferring over the network.
Everything receives and sends from the internet or work accordingly to the protocol.
All these protocols existing in #OSI seven layers
#TCP Protocol: Transmission Control Protocol
Backbone of all internet communication.
Work with IP Protocol.
It decides how communication are establishes for exchange the data.
Exist in 4th Layer of OSI Model.
If Data Packet Lost then regenerate request while receive or sent data packet

#UDP: User Data gram Protocol
UDP is similar to TCP but it work for small size data Packet.
Data packet called Data gram.
Very weak in error correction (No error check)
Work with IP (UDP/IP)
For Example: Video Conferencing, Online Gaming, Streaming where some data is tolerance.

#SMTP: Simple mail transfer protocol
As the name suggestion this protocol is use for mail sending in network with the help of Port No. 25

#POP: Post Office Protocol
It is provide the facility of mail retravilling but it have no reliability and it is not capable to access the information about New Group like as Public folder. POPv3 is the higher or advance feature protocol.

#IMAP: Internet Message Access Protocol
It is also providing the facility of mail retravilling of mail bur it provide the facility which more reliability and can have the synchronization with NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol).
Also use for storing Mail to Mail Server.
Provide Mail Access Services to user.
And work with Authentication. Like Email Server.

#HTTP: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
#HTTPS: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure
It provide link with Web Pages and Display them on your computer system.
We know web pages are made in HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
Web page transmission only possible with HTTP
Work with TCP/IP
HTTPS more secure (encryption) Data Transmission.

#FTP: File Transfer Protocol
It provide many facility like
Provide file copy facility inside networks.
Downloading and Uploading over websites
Web page file always uploaded on FTP Server.
To enable data transfer by using TCP/IP Protocol

#ICMP: Internet Control Message Protocol;
It is used by Network Devices to diagnose network communication issues. ICMP is mainly used to determine whether or not data is reaching. Commonly, the ICMP Protocol is used on network devices, such as routers.
#Internet Protocol #IP

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