
You are not here to accumulate - Zero Frequency in Budapest 2018 | Mabel Katz

You are not here to accumulate - Zero Frequency in Budapest 2018 | Mabel Katz When we die, we only take our life experiences with us, however, during our lifetime, we spend most of our time accumulating material things We also start putting other people first and paying attention to what they think of us. Well, the most important thing is to love and accept ourselves and enjoy and learn from our experiences. Choose to live at Zero Frequency®.


About MABEL KATZ | Mabel Katz is an internationally acclaimed speaker, author, and seminar leader who is recognized as a leading authority on Ho’oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian art and practice for achieving greater clarity of purpose and living and working more effectively. Mabel Katz is truly an exceptional woman of international stature with universal appeal. The work she does is consistently transforming businesses and improving lives. Her unique presentation goes to people’s core, their soul, and gives them the tools they need to create lasting results. Many have said she has changed their lives forever.

About HO'OPONOPONO | Ho’oponopono is a very ancient Ha
waiian art of problem solving. Original Hawaiians, the first people to live in Hawaii, used to practice it. Ho’oponopono is a Hawaiian word that means “How to correct an error”.

If you find that going for the things you want in life is hard, then you will be delighted to know that it does not have to be. Ho’oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian art and wisdom is known as “The Easiest Way,” and those who practice its techniques wholeheartedly agree.

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Ho'oponopono,hooponopono,oponopono,Mabel Katz,Zero Frequency,Peace,Success,World Peace,Budapest,Hungary,Power,Spirituality,Dr. Ihaleakalá Hew Len,Zero Limits,Joe Vitale,Powerful,Motivation,Be At Zero,Back To Zero,Seminar,Trainings,

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