800 credit score is great!!
CREDITS TO Graham Stephan (I love this guy channel, his intelligence & energy:) If you will not subscribe to my channel, PLEASE DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND CHECK Graham Stephan Videos.
Lets answer the question:
How to fix a bad credit score FAST, and the best techniques you can use to improve your credit score as quick as possible & FREE
FIRST: pull your credit report and figure out WHAT’S bringing it down.
WWW. CREDITKARMA.COM was one of the great FREE service provider and I use them myself.
Once you have you’re report - you’re going to review it to see what’s bringing DOWN your score, and typically it’s going to be one of the following:
-One, maybe you don’t have ENOUGH credit
-Two, maybe there are late payments
Three, accounts in collections
Four, maxed out accounts
Fifth, bankruptcies or foreclosures
To fix late payments:
-Pay it off as soon as possible.
-Try to negotiate the terms of the debt and see if they can adjust your account status back to current.
-Ask if they can remove the late payment as a courtesy
-Look for inaccuracies and dispute it
To fix accounts in collections:
-Dispute any errors or inaccuracies
-Ask the lender to validate the debt
-Negotiate to pay off the collections in exchange for removing the account in collections*
-Dispute the charge once paid - if they cannot prove the debt, it’ll get removed*
*Use at your own risk
To fix maxed out accounts:
-Pay down your credit card(s) or loans
-Get more credit to lower your utilization
To fix Bankruptcy and Foreclosures:
-It’s very difficult to do
-Dispute any errors or inaccuracies
-Improve everything else to lessen the impact of this
And THAT is exactly how you can FIX a bad credit score, entirely on your own, without paying a third party company to do it for you. The process is fairly simple, it shouldn’t take too long, and the increase in your score should help save you a TON of money in future loans you get, mortgages you borrow, or even just getting approved to rent an apartment - the benefits from doing this are immeasurable.
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