In Grace Sharer last vlog “EXPLORING BACKYARD POND MONSTER CAGE (STOP MYSTERY NEIGHBOR from DESTROYING Sharer Fam House)” you saw Grace Sharer wanted to stop the MASKED PERSON from DESTROYING THE SHARER FAM HOUSE. Grace Sharer started heading down to the BACKYARD pond to SEARCHING FOR MYSTERY NEIGHBOR and spotted the MYSTERIOUS CAGE. Mama Sharer came running from the ORIGINAL SHARER FAM HOUSE with special SPY GADGET tools to collect the EVIDENCE FOUND. Grace Sher reminded the SHARER FAM that in the LIE DETECTOR TEST ON MYSTERY NEIGHBOR, the MYSTERY PERSON revealed that the mystery in the cage will be bad for the SHARER FAM BACKYARD POND. Grace and BEST FRIEND BFF Mama Sharer went to close the gate of the MYSTERY CAGE so the POND MONSTER or MYSTERIOUS CREATURE didn’t escape. Mama Sharer found an UNKNOWN CREATURE in the cage, which could also be bait for the POND MONSTER. While exploring in the OUTDOOR ADVENTURE backyard, Grace noticed at least 4 new nests and started looking for HIDDEN CLUES for what was happening. Grace Sharer wore gloves and collected TOP SECRET EVIDENCE CLUES, including a BRAND NEW PHONE CASE. Just when Grace and Mama Sharer were about to finish collecting BRAND NEW EVIDENCE, a POND MONSTER CREATURE came out from the BACKYARD POND. Today in Grace Sharer Brand New Vlog for 2020, Grace Sharer wants to find the HIDDEN CLUES and SOLVE THE MYSTERY of the TOP SECRET MISSION. Grace and Mama Sharer start explroing the creepy BACKYARD RIVER near where the POND MONSTER NESTS were located. It looks like a POND MONSTER or MYSTERY CREATURE animal was shedding and also creating THE WORLD LARGEST nests in the SHARER FAM HOUSE BACKYARD RIVER. Baby Otter Sharer and Cooper Sharer dogs show up to help EXPLORING SHARER FAM BACKYARD RIVER. Grace Sher and Mama Sharer follow the creek line the find the POND MONSTER and dig up BRAND NEW MYSTERIOUS CLUES. The SHARER FAM DOGS lead the group down the forest and EXPLORE for NEW EVIDENCE. Down the MYSTERIOUS TRAIL appears a TOP SECRET TREEHOUSE that might be from the MYSTERY NEIGHBOR. Right when Otter Sharer was about to EXPLORE THE TOP SECRET TREEHOUSE, the GREEN AND PINK MASKED PERSON comes out behind the forest. Watch today’s vlog to see what HIDDEN CLUES were revealed!
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▶︎ The Royalty Family We Have SHOCKING NEWS About Our NEW HOME.. 💔 | The Royalty Family
▶︎ Troom Troom SELECT There Are Only Two Types of People in the World
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This video is only for entertainment purposes. Do not attempt to recreate any of the acts in this video, as they may be dangerous if not done correctly, and could result in serious injury. If you rely on the information portrayed in this video, you assume the responsibility for the results. Have fun, but always think ahead, and remember that every project you try is at YOUR OWN RISK.
This footage is property of Grace Sharer and is not allowed to be repurposed without written consent from Grace Sharer.
if you see this, comment “STL Squad Quad” and maybe I'll give you a shout out!!! *it's our little secret*