
Have an Appropriate and specific answer to all your Why's ?

Have an Appropriate and specific answer to all your Why's ? Last session was about self assessment and knowing your more often style of communication and simultaneously exploring the gaps in your communication.

So now today we can start with another question for why do you want to work on your communication ?

For dont you think its actually okay even if you are not perfect in your language, expression or connection ?

Infact it very normal to go wrong and commit mistakes then why do you want to put in that extra effort to improve ?

Knowing this WHY and simultaneously having an appropriate and specific answer to this WHY is very essential?

For this *Why you want to improve* is the main *Guru Mantra* or the driving force for any improvement that you are expecting to happen.

Also as I mentioned before the answer to this WHY has to be very specific and the most appropriate one.

You cannot have any vague answer like that..
*To grow more I want to improve my communication*
Or anything like *My parents or my organization want me to do so*

First of all remember since you expect some self improvement to happen then the reason should be only yours and not of your Boss or Parents.

Further it should be preferably one specific answer and not a series of answers... while your answer can be as simple as
*I feel ashamed for I'm not able to express myself effectively amongst my friends or may be my colleagues*

Now stick to that one specific reason of improvement and once again retrospect does it really matter to you ???

Does it really matter if you are not effective with your words and expressions with your friends ???

Answer here should be as simple as YES or NO

And if your answer is *Yes for it matters* then there should be just no looking back but rather you need to just write down both the reason of your self improvement and the answer to it in bold letters on a sheet of paper and paste it anywhere....where it is more often visible to you.

So Enhance and Enrich with maximum Engagement till we meet next.

#communicatebetter #knowyourgaps #selfimprovement #selfmotivation,

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