This is a three day hike with only 1-2 groups visiting the area each year. We hike down to the river and camp overnight on the riverbank for two nights, cooking dinner on the campfire and enjoying and area unaffected by bushfires. Navigation was challenging and the distance and terrain on day two made this a hard hike. River crossings further added to the complexity of the trip as the winter conditions made crossing unpleasant and dangerous in the cold late afternoon. In this country it is easy to loose people, the sound of the river overwhelms all noise and the vegetation and terrain can quickly limit your field of view. At ones stage I walked 30 m from the group to locate a missing member of the party. As I turned to retrace my steps the noise and terrain felt like it swallowed me up as I lost all contact with my friends. This was only temporary as I retraced my steps to where they were. Even though it was only a brief moment, the feeling still haunts me.
I’m an ultralight hiker and on this hike I had a base weight of 7kg (winter) and fully loaded with food and water at 12.8kg.
I selected this hike as it was an area that hadn’t been impacted by the 2019/2020 bushfires. See the following maps for details of bushfire affected areas:
I acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of this land, I pay my respect to Elders past and present.
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NOTE: All equipment was purchased with my own money or by my friends. I have no affiliations with any brands. I just like to chat about cool gear.
For details on my hiking gear:
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The Brumby - by Joshua Wellington