
The Great Awakening (3 things it's time to do)

The Great Awakening (3 things it's time to do) If you're seeing this video, you're part of The Great Awakening happening right now on the planet. In this video I'll REVEAL 3 things you can DO to accelerate this massive transformation.

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Now is one of the most important and exciting times to be alive than ever before on the planet. This is a part of the great awakening. If you even heard of that term, then most likely you are somebody that's going through and learning more and more about this and a part of it in a powerful way. And in this video I'm going to show you the three things you must do in order to be a part of it and also to embody who you really came here to be.

Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness and raise their vibration by making spirituality practical and relatable. So welcome this video I'm going to share with you the three things it's time to do if you're seeing this video and for those that don't know the great awakening or if you've heard it about it before from some of my other videos, I'm going to go in and link a playlist below of some of the top videos I had no idea that gets so much that resonates so deeply with people talking about the great awakening.

But the great awakening is a time on the planet when so many people are waking up because of what's going on in the outer world. Having people go within question their reality, uh, there's a lot of people waking up to their spiritual side. I see so many people. I have friends that talk about their parents that are questioning what's happening with the government and even just behind the scenes.

And then at the same time, there's people that are becoming aware that there are spiritual beings having a temporary human experience. In a way, they're waking up and that's the time that we're in on this planet. We're going from one level of consciousness into a higher level of consciousness. And that's a part of this has to do with bringing this stuff that's in the dark into the light. So a lot of people are becoming aware that there's stuff going on behind the scenes, that there are certain agendas that may be being run out that just aren't lining up to what actually resonates with what's really happening now.

The first thing that it's time to do if you're hearing about the greater ranking in content or it's something that, um, you've even, it's even within your consciousness of knowing is this is the time of not feeding the fear, understanding that this is a part of a process and of letting go. It's becoming aware and letting go.

This is the time that we're in right now. Now in the planet. We've got all this fear that's being brought up to the surface. In a way. Think of it like almost like a big plant medicine journey. If somebody does plant medicine, what happens is they do it and it brings up all the unconscious stuff that has yet to be resolved for people that didn't become aware of. And sometimes there'll be something that something is not so pleasant called purging. If you purge, uh, what happens is you may release things that don't serve.

You may, um, in a way throw up. You may burp, you may yawn, the video, everything that you could do that's purging, that's letting go. And when you're letting go of lower vibration, that's, that's what happens now on the planet. We're going through a massive perch. That purge is us letting go of what doesn't serve that purge is us, uh, releasing energy that's no longer serving us and becoming aware of that fear, that energy. And right now more than ever, I think it's needed for someone like you to be remaining in your own state of being for you to remain confident and understanding.

And maybe the fear that's being projected out isn't serving you to focus on it or to be feeding it. And by becoming aware of that, you then start to take your power back because then you start to see also the kind of the smoke and mirrors in a way, once you become aware that it's obvious that 99.9% of anything you've ever seen on the news ever has...

Adventures by A Himitsu
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0

Music released by Argofox
Music provided by Audio Library

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