
Highest Paying Jobs and Careers | Comparison

Highest Paying Jobs and Careers | Comparison The highest paying jobs in America are jobs that need specialized training and years of education. They are worthwhile jobs that the world needs people to do. Though there are some obvious high paying jobs on the list, this list of thirty of the highest paying jobs has some surprising careers that you would never think of. Here I will list and compare the highest paying jobs. As a visual, I will be using 200ft x200ft buildings to see how tall the building would be if each brick represented one dollar. The Leaning Tower of Pisa and Big Ben will be used as comparison points. Jobs included are jobs like postsecondary law teachers, physicists, promotions managers, podiatrists, lawyers, psychiatrists, prosthodontists, orthodontists, obstetricians and gynecologists, surgeons, anesthesiologists and more. All of these top paying jobs require that you can get a Bachelor's degree, Master’s Degree, PHD and more to have the necessary skills.

Highest Paying Jobs,Highest Paying Careers,Comparison,top careers,Top Jobs,Best jobs,Best careers,

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