
How Well Are You Absorbing The Programming???

How Well Are You Absorbing The Programming??? The news articles mentioned in this video are listed below:

Chinese Authorities plant surveillance tracking devices in religious homes who pose threat to Government

China sentences Christian bookseller to 7 years in prison, Destroys thousands of books deemed “illegal”

Erdogan Tells His Leaders That ‘Jerusalem is Our City’

This Explosion Of Bankruptcies And Layoffs In The United States Is Unlike Anything We Have Ever Seen Before

Nevada is about to vote on removing the definition of marriage between a man and a woman in state Constitution

Satanists Pitch Abortion as a Satanic ‘Ritual’ to Bypass Laws

Fireball Seen Across 15 states Leaves Astronomers Stunned “It’s Been A Long Time Since We’ve Seen Something Like This”

2020 proudly presents ‘Zombie Storms’… Some strange weather anomalies rising from the dead and unexpectedly increasing in numbers!

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