Phi is found in a sequence of numbers beginning with two ones. Phi is also found in geometry beginning with two ones, Square One and Circle whose diameter is One. When the the diameter of the Circle is also the side of the Square then Phi is the longest distance within the construction And goes from the corner of the Square through the center of the Circle, which is the midpoint of that side, and stops on the Circle. A triangle is formed that can be solved to prove the length of the line is Phi. Then using that line as a radius a circle is drawn to find the square root of Phi. Then the perimeter of the square divided by the square root of Phi gives you the value of Pi, which is also the circumference of the Circle whose diameter is the side of Square One. So simple. So sublime.
Phi,Fibonacci,Jesus,I and my father are one,pi,sublime,geometry,fundamental,revelation,Square,circle,Pythagorean’s,