In this DIY video is Step by step instructions on how to fix a running toilet and replace all internal parts of a toilet tank.
First we replaced the toilet flapper but noticed it didn't fix the running toilet, it didn't stop the water from running inside the toilet bowl, which means the gasket inside the toilet tank was failing and needed to be replaced. In order to do that, the toilet tank needs to be removed from the toilet bowl. It's a good idea to go ahead and replace the toilet fill valve while having to remove the toilet tank anyways, that way everything is new inside.
This toilet in particular is made by American Standard, many toilet brands use the same type of parts. Be sure to check your brand of toilet to get the correct internal tank replacement kit. Kohler toilets usually have different internal parts and flushing mechanisms. The toilet flapper size can be different as well with different models. If the flapper is bigger then it would also require a larger toilet fill tube. This is why it's important to get the correct toilet tank replacement parts for your make and model of toilet.
*Read and follow the instructions of the Toilet Tank Replacement Parts kit you are using for your toilet. Also, be sure to get a toilet parts kit that is designed for your specific toilet.
Tools and Supplies Needed:
Toilet Tank Replacement Kit:
Flathead Screwdriver:
Larger Channel Lock pliers:
Adjustable wrench or small pliers:
Scissors or knife to cut toilet fill tubing
My go to Leatherman tool:
I never leave home without it!
The handle that came with the Fluidmaster Universal Parts kit did not work for this particular toilet, so I left the handle that was in place already.
Total time spent replacing the entire toilet tank parts was about a half hour.
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