
Unit Conversion & Significant Figures: Crash Course Chemistry #2

Unit Conversion & Significant Figures: Crash Course Chemistry #2 A unit is a frequently arbitrary designation we have given to something to convey a definite magnitude of a physical quantity and every quantity can be expressed in terms of the seven base units that are contained in the international system of units. Hank thinks this is a thrilling subject, and while you may not agree, it is a subject that is very important if you want to be a scientist and communicate with accuracy and precision with other scientists. So listen up and learn something or Hank might have to kill you! (NOT REALLY!)

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Table of Contents
Unit Conversion 02:27
Scientific Notation 03:26
Sig Figs 07:40 Support CrashCourse on Subbable:

crash course,chemistry,hank green,units,conversion,sig figs,significant figures,scientific notation,arbitrary,kilogram,IPK,mass,international system of units,speed,acceleration,force,work,newton,joule,power,watt,exact number,measured number,precision,science,vlogbrothers,

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