0. Title 0:00
I. The Legendary Thirds (Introduction) 0:20
II. A Monumental Release (Development) 3:20
III. Wars of Darkness and Heroes (Story Synopsis) 7:04
IV. Information Overload (Story Analysis) 18:26
V. Art of War Refined (Gameplay Analysis 1) 22:02
VI. Strange Evolution (Gameplay Analysis 2) 26:43
VII. The Value of Growth (Gameplay Analysis 3) 30:39
VIII. An Emblematic Mystery (Conclusion) 34:37
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Game: Fire Emblem Mystery of the Emblem
--------------- Credits ---------------
Written and Edited by: ShaneBrained
--------------- FAIR USE NOTICE ---------------
This video contains copyrighted material. All copyrighted material is used under Fair Use. If you believe this material has been used in error, please contact me directly at gamesbrained@gmail.com.