
I Can Only Lie And Can't Tell The Truth

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Story Time Animated 2

Hi, my name is Amanda. I'm 35 years old, and I am originally from Australia. I know I may not look like I'm a 35 year old woman, but trust me, that's the truth. I am also a secret spy, and I have been working undercover to-

Okay. No, that's not true. You've probably guessed that. My name isn't Amanda. I'm not 35 years old. I'm not Australian. My real name is Lilly, and I am 16 years old. That's the truth. You're probably wondering why I just started lying to you for seemingly no reason, but let me tell you, there is a reason. There is a reason why I can only lie, and can't tell the truth. But first we have to start from the beginning, to where it all began.

But before I go on, make sure you like and subscribe and hit that notification bell! If you do, you will get 5 years of good luck! Trust me, it really works. And I'm not lying about that.

When I was very young, I suffered from a traumatic experience that caused me to only lie. It triggered something in my neurological system that led me to only lie. I literally cannot tell the truth. There's something about the truth that just makes me… disgusted. I hate telling the truth. It sends my nerves on edge, so that is why I always lie. You're probably wondering what kind of traumatic experience could cause such a response. Well, let me tell you.

When I was 8 years old, my parents sold me off to a child trafficking ring. I don't know why they did it. I don't know why they would sell their own daughter. But they did, and I developed trust issues and damages to my mental health because of that. I felt like everyone was lying to me, especially since my parents had, and after that I always tended to tell lies.

We went to the park, and I was so excited because my parents and I rarely hung out. This time, we were finally going to have a nice day out. They took me over to the lake, in a quiet part of the park, and they gave me an ice cream. I was licking the ice cream, enjoying it while ducks drifted across the lake, when suddenly someone grabbed me from behind. I kicked and screamed, and called for my parents, but they did nothing. They just… watched as the man grabbed me.

I saw the man hand over a briefcase, and my parents opened it to reveal stacks and stacks of cash. Then my parents glanced at me, and looked away. And that was the last time I ever saw them. Right as they were selling me off to child traffickers.

After that, the man took me to a van and locked me in the back. I was so young, and I had no idea what to do, but I just started screaming and screaming. The man yelled at me to quit screaming, and then I heard someone else start to shout. There was a tiny window in the back of the van and I looked through it. It was a policewoman! I felt my heart leap with joy.

"Help me!" I yelled.

The policewoman spotted me, and she immediately called back up and by the end of the day I was safe and the man was arrested. Meanwhile, my parents had escaped to who knew where. When I told the police what had happened, they almost couldn't believe that my own parents would sell me. I couldn't believe it either. I was put into foster care.

Ever since that moment, something changed in my head. I closed off from my surroundings. I went back into my shell. I trusted no one. I was never adopted by a family, because I just wasn't a friendly girl. And I told lies. All the time. About little things too. Sometimes I would tell my foster family that I had seen a squirrel in the tree, when I hadn't seen anything. Other times I would lie about bigger things, like saying that I was lactose intolerant, when I wasn't at all. No one could understand why I kept lying. I lied and lied and lied and there was no reason for it.


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