
Master the American Accent: The Placement of American English

Master the American Accent: The Placement of American English American English voice placement - have you heard of this term before? It means the place in your body where your voice vibrates or resonates, or the overall quality of your voice. Does your voice sound nasally, like it's coming from your nose? Or does your voice sound like it is trapped in the back of your throat? Those are different voice placements!

If you've been struggling with your American accent, it could be because of your voice placement. This video will teach you the theory behind voice placement and some effective exercises you can do to achieve an American voice placement!

Study with me online...for FREE! San Diego Voice and Accent offers two free online courses!

#1: FREE 10-day mini-course in accent reduction! Learn the highlights of the American accent, including syllable stress, word reductions, pronunciation of the most problematic vowels and consonants, and tips on how to practice! All lessons are delivered straight to your inbox :) SIGN UP HERE:

#2: Whip your voice into shape with Six Days to a Stronger Voice! If you want a voice that sounds clear, smooth, and strong, then you'll benefit from this FREE course! You'll learn exercises that will strengthen your entire vocal system, from the lungs to the lips. Sign up now and start working out those vocal muscles! SIGN UP HERE:

San Diego Voice and Accent also offers live, online group classes! For more information about class dates and sign ups, visit

Or if you’d rather study at your own pace, check out the online courses from San Diego Voice and Accent! You also have the option of purchasing private coaching sessions with Julie for personalized feedback. For more information about courses, visit

For more free and helpful information, visit my website:


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