HEY EVERYBODY!! Today I'm showing you one of my favorite things to do right now!! ROBLOX!! I've been playing it since our last Roblox video and I thought it was a good idea if we did another one!! My dad and I play almost every day!! It's like a mini surprise daddy-daughter date every night before bed and now it's a part of our nightly routine!! There are so many new games in Roblox I love playing and I wanted to show you! Like obstacle courses ( obbys ), don't touch the button, spiderman and spider girl, ride the elevator, hide n seek, pet show, pirate dad battle, and sneak around the bank!! If you hadn't noticed already, this is a Part 1!! So be ready for a Part 2 coming soon!!
my last video - DiNOSAUR NEiGHBORS!! Finding hidden dino eggs lost in the jungle! Cave Club Slumber Party routine!
my dad's last video - NiKO’S LAVA PiZZA!! Navey Rides a Unicorn! Hide N Seek! Magic Spoon! Adley’s Castle! Rocket League!
Bye vlog *pshhhhh*