
Futile Junkies - Senses Are Not Sensible (Psychoactive)

Futile Junkies - Senses Are Not Sensible (Psychoactive) Composer: Michael McGuirk
Lyrics/Vocals/Video Editor: André Raymond Dowdall

Recorded: ‎‎Tuesday ‎7 ‎September ‎2010, ‏‎19:27:09

The music and lyrics are copyrighted and the property of Futile Junkies.

The video content is not the property of Futile Junkies and is only used for artistic purposes and for non profitable reasons.


Senses are not Sensible (Psychoactive)

Look both ways (both ways), nothing comes by (comes by)
Abandoned originality lost in the wild (the wild)
Out there breaths (it breaths), it knows that it’s alive (alive)
A trespasser moves more silent in the night attaining enlightenment,
Death can’t survive (survive), thought overtakes the body’s demise (demise)
Psycho-active fully supplied, virtually seeing each atom collide.
Projected mirror face outward televised, Pixel picture magnified
(Psycho, Psycho) I think we’ve crossed this bridge
(Active) Before we’ve come to it
(Psycho, Psycho) I think we’ve crossed this bridge
(Active) Before we’ve come to it
Cacti with wifi sending waves to irrigate my plight.
The arrodness of the thoughts collected
Not much has changed since first inspection.

Four course meal, carcass open wide
Licking each finger, tossed caesar salad side
Froth conveys, dripping on the thighs
We all like a little danger, naturally it bites.
Far outreaching, innerly extracting
A primitive urge to run naked in the night.
All encompassing written under your skin.
Each particle in the prophecy lies.

Translated into Spanish on the walls of the passage
Ruins detailing the damage inflicted by a holy savage
Prepared on the altar, a sacrifice is slaughtered
As an offering to send the rains and keep the opposing threats at bay
For it seems almost telepathic our spirits cruely packaged.
Senses are not sensible, Senses are not sensible
Only picking up now (Only picking up now)
the immediate surroundings (immediate surroundings)
are most important, are most important
Senses are not sensible, Senses are not sensible
Only picking up now (Only picking up now)
the immediate surroundings (immediate surroundings)
are most important, are most important

Four course meal, carcass open wide
Licking each finger, tossed caesar salad side
Froth conveys, dripping on the thighs
We all like a little danger, naturally it bites.
Far outreaching, innerly extracting
A primitive urge to run naked in the night.
All encompassing written under your skin.
Each particle in the prophecy lies.

Muscle contraction, the blackening of the skies
A pounding in the temple here comes the inca tribe
Burning of the branches, lightening mirrors fissures
Seas form a blanket as the mountains hide.
Overcharge the battery, underestimate your life
If waiting on a miracle take one instead of five.
Separate entities the heart and the mind
How long they’ve lusted to sing a peaceful rhyme.
Muscle contraction, the blackening of the skies
A pounding in the temple here comes the inca tribe
The burning of the villages, lightening mirrors fissures
Seas form a blanket as the mountains hide.
Overcharge the battery, underestimate your life
If waiting on a miracle take one instead of five.
Separate entities the heart and the mind
How long they’ve lusted to sing a peaceful rhyme.

I don’t care for this human form anymore


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