
OLBERMANN VS...DEMOCRATIC LEADERS: GOP declared war on democracy. Why are we making deals with them?

OLBERMANN VS...DEMOCRATIC LEADERS: GOP declared war on democracy. Why are we making deals with them? Yes. It was Republican Senators, no longer attached to even one principle of democracy or rule of law, who just acquitted Donald Trump and made sure whoever next tries to overthrow our government will know there will be no consequences for doing so.

But in walking away in terror from possibly having to stand and confront Republicans in the Senate or House, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Chris Coons and others walked away from witnesses at the impeachment trial. They believe they have precluded Mitch McConnell from blocking the Biden Agenda. In fact they have merely allowed Mitch McConnell to claim he made a DEAL not to block the Biden Agenda. He will block it at his first opportunity.

The Republicans declared war on the Democrats and democracy 30 years ago. There is no point in dealing with them. They have always reneged. They have always put party ahead of country and power ahead of law.

If Schumer and Pelosi will not stand up to them - from a position of majority in both houses - they should be replaced by others who will.

Olbermann vs Trump,Keith Olbermann,Donald Trump,Impeachment,Trump Commission,Trump Special Counsel,Nancy Pelosi,Chuck Schumer,Democratic Leadership,Countdown,The Resistance,Worst Person In The World,msnbc,

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