In Hindi, ‘buy’ means “खरीदना”
root or present form - buy खरीदता हूं खरीदते हैं
third person singular / ‘s’ form - buys खरीदता है
Past form of Buy - bought खरीदा था
present participle/ ‘ing’ form - buying खरीद रहा हूं खरीद रही है खरीद रहे हैं
past participle form - bought खरीद चुका हूं खरीद चुके हैं खरीद चुका है
Let us see some example sentences to understand the usage of the different forms of the verb ‘buy’.
They buy fresh vegetables daily.(Present form)
The man buys grocery from this shop.(III person singular / ‘s’ form)
I bought a new dress.(past form)
Are you buying a new house? (present participle form)
I have already bought mangoes. (past participle form)
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