
Social Hack To Capture People's Attention

Social Hack To Capture People's Attention Social hack to capture people's attention,
How to make people pay attention to you,
How to speak so people listen,

I was watching a Tony Robbins documentary the other day, and noticed one thing that he always does as soon as he's working with an emotional person... He interrupts their patten.

The concept of a pattern interrupt is simple, do something that was not expected, and people instantly start paying attention.

With this Charisma tip of the day, I'll tell you a simple Charisma hack that instantly interrupts someone's pattern, and snaps them to attention.

And the best part?

When you have someone's attention, THAT'S when you can influence them. THAT'S when you stick out and become memorable. And THAT'S when you can lead this interaction wherever you want to.

If you want to do anything (build a business, make a speech, attract a woman, sell a product, etc.) you have to first get the attention of your prospect.

This video is about the Principle of Power Words.


-Patrick James
America's Charisma Consultant For Men

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Social hack to capture people's attention,How to make people pay attention to you,How to speak so people listen,pattern interrupts,how to interrupt someone's pattern,how to pattern interrupt,patrick james,charisma,

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