
Η δολοφονία του Stephen Saunders, του τελευταίου θύματος της τρομοκρατικής 17Ν (8|6|2000)

Η δολοφονία του Stephen Saunders, του τελευταίου θύματος της τρομοκρατικής 17Ν (8|6|2000) GREECE: GREECE'S ELUSIVE 'NOVEMBER 17' GROUP CLAIM RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE DEATH OF BRITISH DIPLOMAT STEPHEN SAUNDERS

HEATHER SAUNDERS, WIFE OF STEPHEN SAUNDERS COMING OUT OF HER HOME, COMMENTING ON DEATH OF HER HUSBAND: "It's just a brief statement I'd like to read if I may. Stephen was my life and our lives were so intertwined that I stand before you today half the person I was yesterday morning. (Greek translation) Stephen was a wonderful, loving, man, he was a man committed to peace, and throughout his years in the army he never raised his gun to kill anyone. I only hope that the people who carried out this cowardly act on an unarmed man, simply travelling on his way to work, will realise the total devastation that they have caused. Not only have they killed my husband, but they have now destroyed me and my entire family.

Στήβεν Σόντερς,17Ν,17 Νοέμβρη,Stephen Saunders,Ελλάδα,Τρομοκρατία,Κουφοντίνας,Η.Β,Αγγλία,

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