
The Nose - Functions Of The Nose - How The Nose Works

The Nose - Functions Of The Nose - How The Nose Works In this video I discuss the functions of the nose and how the nose works.

Partial transcript

Functions of the nose.
The nose isn’t just flesh covering cartilage, it actually has some important functions in the body. The nose is a passage way for air, inhaling Oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide, and it helps warm and humidify air before it gets to the lungs.

The nose smells things with the olfactory cleft, which is located a top the nasal cavity. And our sense of smell can be protective, as when the nose smells rotten food.

The nose can also protect us from sickness, as it is lined with hair like projections called cilia, and can also produce mucus or snot. Mucus keeps the nose from drying out, and together the cilia and mucus can trap dust particles and bacteria before they enter deeper into the body. Sneezing and blowing our nose helps to remove these particles.

The nose also has a role in the way the tongue perceives taste, this is why when you have a stuffy nose, your sense of taste can decrease. Air flow through the nose also affects your voice, we can often times tell when a friend is sick because nasal congestion causes their voice to change.

And that is the basic functions of the nose.

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