Okay so, first things first... I rEAAALLY recommend that you are FIRST in alignment with yourself; Because when I first practiced this technique, I was not so aligned with myself and all of that past negativity I held all returned and slapped my a**cheeks, and BOY did that hurt.
On to the second thing, I’m really sorry but this technique may not be for everybody because the technique includes the hair. Yes... the hair. That is my secret, the beautiful hair. And I know some of you out there who are watching, your hair is shaved or no hair at all; so this may not suit you. BUT... to the ones who do have hair, this is perfect for you!
So anyways... let’s get into the depths. So this technique was originally held in the Native American traditions, but not JUST the Native American traditions, it was and STILL to this day is held in other cultures world wide. And this technique is really and truly suppose to be a prayer ceremony in Native American tradition(so all do respect). And so I myself am Native American(and WOO it’s an honor #NativePride♡ #PonkaPride♡ #RoughfaceProud♡ #MMIW🖐🏾)and since I’m into the law of attraction, manifestation, divine ones ness, spirituality... It came to thought one day that I have lost traditions I should be learning and keeping on for generation after generation(oh and come to find out, it is part of my tribes traditions!). So I got into the research, but one day I was specifically looking up their hair care secrets to keeping the hair beautiful and healthy. And I came across this one website that spoke of their traditions with the hair, and come to find out hair is very sacred and useful! And so that’s how I found out about this useful technique! And I’m TELLING you this technique works 110%! Now I’m not saying that other manifestation techniques don’t work, because they will and they do, but what I’m trying to get to you guys is that this technique works 1000x fast! So that’s why I recommend that you make sure your in alignment with yourself.
So what they did was collect the fallen out pieces of hair, and I’m not sure if they straightened each strand and secured it with a tie ORR bundled it all up; but I personally just bundle it up.(: But they kept the hair in a sacred little bag of their own, collecting it the whole 28 days of the moon cycles, and so every month of the full Moon 🌕 they would burn their hair. And the reason why they did this is because they strongly believe that your hair is the physical manifestation of your thoughts. Yea you read that right(if your reading this)..... YOUR THOUGHTS. And it’s a recollection of your past thoughts and deeds. So that’s 👉🏼MOST IMPORTANTLY👈🏼 why I recommend you are first in alignment with yourself BEFORE doing this technique at ALL! And that’s veery important to know. But so anyways, when it’s burning, the thoughts are uplifted through the smoke♨️, moved by the power of Grandmother Moon🌝, and then receive by the Great Creator🤲🏽.
BUT... that’s not the only way you can do it😼 Instead of burning your hair, you can instead BURY your hair. So if you decide to bury your hair, your returning it back to our beautiful MotherEarth🌎, and then she relays your intents to Grandmother Moon🌝, and then received by the Great Creator🤲🏽. So basically the same process, but instead your just burying the hair.
So yea that’s my way to manifesting everything and anything I want! And I thought this would be cool for my first YouTube video because it’s a special topic personally and I’ve never came across a video that speaks of this technique(and I was looking around on YouTube last night and didn’t find one video with the specific technique🤫). So I hope you guys enjoyed this topic and find this technique helpful because its been REALLY helpful for me.
***ONE MORE THING. Girls I know it can be scary seeing all that hair in your brush because I use to freak out about it, but I started to look at it as each piece(which is a thought) ready to be manifested into my physical reality. So look at it that way, I promise it’ll bring you ease!❤️
Anyways, stay positive! Be thankful for everything in your life! Let go, go with the flow! Love you all, bye.💞💫