Canal Pablo Castro:
Getting to the Truth - Cliff Lansley
Emotions Revealed - Paul Ekman
Unmasking the Face - Paul Ekman Wallace Friesen
Liespotting - Pamela Meyer
Estudo: Crocodile Tears: Facial, Verbal and Body Language Behaviours Associated With Genuine and Fabricated Remorse.
Estudo: The Voice of Deception: Vocal Strategies of Naive and Able Liars.
Estudo: Validity of Criteria-Based Content Analysis (CBCA) at trial in free-narrative interviews.
Estudo: Testing Interpersonal Deception Theory: The Language of Interpersonal Deception.
Estudo: Too Ashamed to Report: Deconstructing the Shame of Sexual Victimization
Estudo: Linguistic Nonimmediacy and Communicators' Anxiety.
Estudo: Shame and adult sexual assault: a study with a group of female survivors recruited from an East London population
Pesquisa: National Sexual Violence Resource Center
Me siga: @metaforando.vitor