
Moving On 2020 - Which era did you get? Annan School

Moving On 2020 - Which era did you get? Annan School Moving On is a unique transition celebration for year 6 children in and around Lewes in East Sussex. This year's theme is "We're Making History" - a catwalk through time, looking at funny fashions through time. Due to covid-19 , much of the project is happening on-line. This video has been created to introduce the Patina artists, explain that we are doing everything we can to make Moving On happen for them and reveal the era that has been pulled out of a virtual hat for their school. We explain the virtual parade we will be creating together while in lockdown, the huge exhibition of the children's work we will put together when the time is right and start the project by asking for the children's brilliant costume ideas and designs.

The Patina artist working with Annan School is Maia Eden.

Logo by Emma Carlow

Intro music by Fink


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