
Rendering old beeswax making it useful once again.

Rendering old beeswax making it useful once again.

One of my most favorite things about being a bee keeper is watching the number of bees in a hive swell at an incredible speed. Of course, one of the reasons I like seeing this is because with all those bees in a hive, they are going to be able to bring in a lot more honey than a hive with not so many bees.

I can't speak with certainty about bee keepers in other parts of the US , but for us living in Southeast Louisiana, we have enjoyed probably the best bee rearing season and now the strongest nectar flow that I have seen in at least 8 years, and to capitalize on that flow, I am working hard to keep one step ahead of the bees.

Before the bees can store all that nectar they are bringing in, they first need open cells, and to have open cells available, the bees need to produce and draw out wax. My thinking, give them waxed frames so all they have to do is draw out the wax instead of taking the time to produce it.

On this video I show once again how I render old bees wax, and then apply it to the plastic foundations using a new technique. For those interested in seeing how I applied the wax in previous years, the video link below will show that to you. I hope all are well, and know that I am praying for everyone in these difficult times. Please stay safe, God's peace always. Mr. Ed

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