
FashMash Pioneers: Collaborating through the crisis with the Emergency Designer Network

FashMash Pioneers: Collaborating through the crisis with the Emergency Designer Network When the COVID-19 pandemic hit the UK, London-based designers Holly Fulton, Bethany Williams and Phoebe English, recognised they could do something to help. Alongside Cozette McCreery, they formed the Emergency Designer Network, a volunteer-led enterprise that has been galvanising local production to make key garments for the NHS.

Since early March, they have been working with small UK manufacturers and designers to send scrubs to hospitals to help them in the fight against Coronavirus. “Together, we can make a small-scale yet significant difference to this critical situation,” their funding page reads. With the government’s order of PPE being returned, this is more important than ever. By the time of this talk, the EDN had made over 6,000 sets of scrubs.

Join us for this special, virtual, edition of FashMash Pioneers, where we meet not one, but all four of these pioneers. Together they form an incredible example of cross-industry collaboration. FashMash co-founders Rachel Arthur and Rosanna Falconer talk to them about what working together to help the crisis has meant, why it stands for so much more in fashion’s sustainability goals, and just what the future of the industry might hold ahead.

emergency designer network,fashion,covid-19,nhs,manufacturing,fashmash,fashmash pioneers,bethany williams,holly fulton,phoebe english,cozette mccreery,

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