
CRYSTAL BALL GENERAL LOVE READING - This friendship will develop into more. Don't give up!

CRYSTAL BALL GENERAL LOVE READING - This friendship will develop into more. Don't give up! Sonia Raschilla
Intuitive Healer
Angelic Channel

Twin Flame Oracle Cards – “Amore Eterno” (Eternal Love) - $34.95
Posting within Australia ONLY at this time due to covid restrictions/border closures.
Place your name on a waiting list for those outside of Australia.

Crystal Ball Readings - $80
- 10 - 15-minute detailed video recording sent via email

Twin Flame and General Readings - $50
First Names ONLY for Twin Flame Readings
(Twin Flame and General Readings are sent to you via email NOT a video recording)

Removal of the Evil Eye Only - $40

In Person & Distant Healing for $100 includes:
- 30-minute gentle hands on healing
- Angel card interpretation
- Written messages from spirit to take home
- Chakra clearing and balancing
- Removal of the Evil Eye


Payment for Readings and Distant Healings
Direct Bank Deposit
(email for details)



Products for sale
• Amore Eterno Twin Flame Oracle Cards - $34.95
• Large Smudge Stick (Lavender, Sage, Rosemary) 25-30cm - $30
• Clearing Spray - $15
• Evil Eye Pendant - $10
• Evil Eye Bracelet (red) - $10
• Bag of loose sage, lavender and rosemary - $5
• Tumbled crystals (Citrine, Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Black Obsidian, Rose Quartz) - $3
• Natural Chunks of Crystals (Flourite, Smokey Quartz, Amethyst, Rose Quartz) - $5
• 6-10cm chunks of selenite - $10
• 16-20cm chunks of selenite - $15


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