
When To Know If Your Dog Is Capable Of Testing His Obedience Outside Of Your Home

When To Know If Your Dog Is Capable Of Testing His Obedience Outside Of Your Home Yes a puppy is fully capable of holding commands and listening and waiting for his next!

Remi had his on-campus finals all day yesterday! These last tests that I run dogs through let me know if a dog is really ready to practice their obedience in a real world experience. Remi is a flaky, insecure, stubborn, and easily distracted little guy... I mean he is a kid! But that doesn’t mean we can’t cultivate a strong sense of Impulse Control with enough patterning and reward!

These final tests are the most challenging. Off-leash Room2Room Recall through distraction, Down-Stays when I walk out of sight, and holding a Down no matter how chaotic, all indicate strong Impulse Control and handler awareness. We’ve been slowly cultivating self awareness and control by building endurance in each of the obedience commands, one minor distraction at at time, until bammo! You have the little monsters running around yammering away in our ears!

Remi is now ready to test his new skills outside of the training camp. So stay tuned for his Lowes debut!

Awesome job today little buddy!


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