
Most Suitable Tank Mates For Firemouth Cichlid

Most Suitable Tank Mates For Firemouth Cichlid In this video i am going to share with you 10 most suitable tank mates for Firemouth Cichlid Fish

Fire mouth Cichlid is a very beautiful aquarium fish. If You are a beginner so you can also keep them in your tank. Firemouth Cichlid is non-aggresive fish but during spawning season they become aggressive cichlid so for that reason you should choose perfect tank size for them.
If thinking to make Community tank with Firemouth Cichlid so keep in this mind add hiding spots as much as possible and don't choose any smaller or bigger than firemouth cichlid.

These are the 10 aquarium fish i included as tank mates for Firemouth Cichlid Fish:-
Sunshine peacock cichlid
Blue acra cichlid
Convict cichlid
Severum cichlid
Common pleco
Rainbow cichlid
Jewel cichlid
Electric yellow cichlid
Rusty cichlid
African butterfly cichlid

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"Sappheiros - Dawn" is under a Creative Commons license (CC BY 3.0)
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