PENINSULA SECTION: Wiarton to Neyaashiinigmiing . Willie predicts a few more hot days. He's always right. Up the bluffs and make my way to Cape Croker. Morning heats and afternoon bugs. Big day to Sydney Bay. Little blue cabin is home for the night.
Niagara Section 82 km COMPLETED Iroquoia Section 125 km COMPLETED Toronto Section 50 km COMPLETED Caledon Hills 70 km COMPLETED Dufferin Hi-Land 56 km COMPLETED Blue Mountains 67 km COMPLETED Beaver Valley 117km COMPLETED Sydenham 174 km COMPLETED Peninsula
Bruce Trail,End to End,Mike's Hike,Hiking,Bruce Trail End to End,Bruce Trail Camping,Bruce Trail Ontario,hiking,backpacking,hike,hiking vlog,thru hike,thru-hike,camping,solo hike,long distance backpacking,ultralight gear,Bruce Trail resupply,2018,Neyaashiinigmiing,Wiarton,Wiarton Willie,Cape Croker,