YFCGO is a project of the greater Youth For Christ community caring for young people around the world. YFCGO challenges young people to bring life to their faith story instead of living for ourselves alone. YFCGO brings faith stories of real people from many different ages, genders, cultures and countries that have had a personal encounters with the Living God- through Jesus. Each unique personal story deals with real issues young people are facing today like depression, fear, anger and despair. After meeting Jesus their lives where transformed by the power of God.
Dare to Ask
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Many of the young people we talk with have questions about life, death, God and the bible. We at YFCGO want to hear your tough questions and we want to challenge you to consider connecting deeply with God, the maker of Heaven and Earth, through a personal relationship with Jesus. Our Hope is you have the courage to ask deep questions. We want share our God story with your and do our best to answer them honestly and truthfully.
God's Plan.
You have been created in the the image of God with incredible value and purpose. You are created with an eternal soul that has been corrupted by death and all of us are living far from God's perfect standard of how we need to look after each other. The only way for us to reconnect with God is through the death and resurrection of Jesus. Jesus asks us to turn toward God and seek Him first in everything we do.