
REALIZE x NOTICE | Qual a diferença e quando usar?

REALIZE x NOTICE | Qual a diferença e quando usar? Inscrições com Desconto para o curso Manual do Inglês em breve. Acesse nosso grupo VIP no link e aguarde:

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Hey guys, what's up?
— Eu "percebi" algo diferente.
Como você falaria essa frase em inglês com destaque na palavra "percebi"?
Em inglês, há duas maneiras de falar "percebi" e são elas: REALIZE e NOTICE.
Mas então qual a diferença entre REALIZE e NOTICE? É isso que vamos aprender com este vídeo: Como usar REALIZE e NOTICE em diferentes situações. Você conseguirá comparar REALIZE e NOTICE em uma única frase.
Então vamos aprender a falar "percebi" em inglês com todas as diferenças e significados de REALIZE e NOTICE.
See you!

#manualdoinglês #cursodeinglêsonline #diferençaentrepalavras

I noticed the difference, but I didn’t realize it was so important.
I spilled the coffee, but my mom didn’t notice.
While looking over my answers, I noticed a mistake.
Did you notice any changes?
I didn't notice anything unusual.
I didn't even notice you were there.
I wanted you to notice me.
Have you noticed anything out of place?
Have you noticed any difference?
Do you realize that you are an hour late?
Now I realize how much she means to you.
Do you realize what this means?
I didn't realize there was a problem.
After talking to him, I realized that we had met before.
I didn't realize you were awake.
I don't know if you realize how expensive it would be.
Do you realize you saved my life?
I noticed that the dog was wearing a collar then I realized he was lost.
Did you notice what time it was when you came in?
Did you realize what time it was when you came in?




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