
Effectively Utilize the Latest GMAT Online Exam Updates | Arun Jagannathan's Webinar | CrackVerbal

Effectively Utilize the Latest GMAT Online Exam Updates | Arun Jagannathan's Webinar | CrackVerbal Planning to do an MBA in 2020-21? Learn all about the latest GMAT exam updates to know how to effectively utilize them!

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A plan to pursue an MBA/MS in 2020-21 2:20
Three main updates released by GMAC 5:50
Specifications for the Whiteboard that can be used 10:43
Where to get the Whiteboard and the stationery 11:49
Prohibited things, things that are not allowed 12:26
The only thing that is allowed during the exam 13:26
How to use the Whiteboard strategically 13:54
What will you be writing on the Physical Whiteboard 15:03
What will you be writing on the Virtual Whiteboard 18:15
Test Centres re-opening in India 21:18
How to find the nearest open test Centres 21:44
Will Test Centres remain open? 24:04
To take GMAT at home v/s At Centre 25:31
Short plan for those who want to do an MBA now 32:42
How to get your profile evaluated 35:09
What to expect from a program you sign up for GMAT preparation 36:55
Question and Answer 37:53


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