
Sumptuous - Meanings Pronunciation Examples and Synonyms

Sumptuous - Meanings Pronunciation Examples and Synonyms The next word we are going to get to know about is sumptuous. sumptuousness and sumptuously are the other forms of Sumptuous.
Here Is Jump Start Chapter Markers :
(00:16) Learn About sumptuous
(00:25) Meanings Of sumptuous
(00:43) Synonyms Of sumptuous
(01:07) Examples Of sumptuous

Don't you know the meaning of sumptuous? here you go!
Splendid and expensive-looking
Ostentatiously rich and superior in quality

Knowing similar meaning words make our speech varied. let's take a look at equivalent words of sumptuous.
Lavishly appointed

Here are some instances of what we learned just now about sumptuous. using these sentences will make you adept at the language.
The banquet was a sumptuous, luxurious meal

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Meanings,pronounce sumptuous,Meaning,sumptuous Meaning,sumptuous,Pronunciation,Example,Meaning Of sumptuous,Learn,Synonyms Of sumptuous,sumptuous pronunciation,Synonym Of sumptuous,Meanings Of sumptuous,sumptuous Meanings,Synonym,sumptuous Synonyms,Examples,Examples Of sumptuous,Pronunciation Ofsumptuous,sumptuous Synonym,Visual Words Dictionary,Example Of sumptuous,sumptuous Example,sumptuous Examples,Synonyms,Pronounce,sumptuousness,sumptuously,

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